About Us

We Are Geraud
We shape, style and tell stories with hair,
We believe our work is best done
when it is done with passion
and with perfection.
We always strive to do something different,
something better, something new…
Where fashion, Lifestyle and beauty
all come together
Because our hair is a matter that deserves the biggest care, L’Atelier Geraud has chosen for Shu Uemura with its unique flower extracts and inspired by The Japanese Rituals.
The Magical of this unusual adress is the reception, personal touch and the global approach to the customers. The Customer isn’t a meaningless number here. Here you aren’t an anonymous face where the latest cut or trendy colour is pasted on.
Everything gets aligned based on you, on your personality, your morphology and your wishes.
L’Atelier Geraud is situated in a beautiful mansion near the Meir and has the statute of a true institution in Antwerp. This Salon belongs to the prestigious group of “Leading Salons of the World”